30 Day Challenge: No Sugar Video Update 2

MeaganGeneralLeave a Comment

I’m a couple of days past the halfway point of my No (Added) Sugar Challenge that I’m undertaking for the month of February, so it’s time for another video update (if you missed it, you can watch my first update here)! You’ll have to excuse my hoarse voice – I got a cold from my daughter a couple of days … Read More

30 Day Challenge: No Sugar Video Update 1

MeaganGeneralLeave a Comment

Welcome back! It’s a new decade and a new era for Technically Running, so I decided to switch things up and do video updates for my No Sugar Challenge. I’m only four days into the challenge at this point, but I want to share some thoughts because it has already been pretty eye-opening for me with regard to my sugar … Read More

30 Day Challenge: No Sugar

MeaganGeneralLeave a Comment

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post about stepping away from my scale for a little while to work on disconnecting my self worth from my weight. That’s been going well — admittedly, I have gotten on the scale a couple of times — but it’s been nice to not be so weight-obsessed and pay more attention to how … Read More

Ultra Nutrition

ghedberg2001General1 Comment

With spring almost upon us (though you might not know it here in Madison), many runners have started thinking about what races they’ll be running this year.  If you’ve already tackled a marathon and are itching to try something new, you might be considering an ultra.  And so begins the excitement of researching races and distances, deciding on a training … Read More

The 5 Best Halloween Candies for Runners

MeaganGeneral1 Comment

Anyone who knows me well is likely aware that I have a major sweet tooth. Seriously. I cannot be trusted to keep any candy around our apartment and have it last for more than a few days (sometimes even a single day is asking too much). My love of candy, coupled with the fact that my birthday is the day after … Read More

Nutrition Experiment: Week 4, Protein – Part 2

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

Protein week is at an end, so lets look at the numbers.  Surprisingly enough, more fat was consumed this week than during fat week (an increase of 33% was also seen compared to the control week).  One notable difference this week, however, is that the fat was mainly from mixed animal and plant-based sources. Overall, protein consumption increased 15% from … Read More

Nutrition Experiment Week 4: Protein

JohnGeneral1 Comment

Week four is here and it’s time to delve into the fun and exciting world of protein!  So what the heck is protein, and what does it really do?  Personally, protein brings to mind images of body builders at the gym slamming weights, drinking Muscle Milk, and yelling as they do curls.  But it’s not just about building muscle.  Proteins … Read More

Nutrition Experiment Week 3: Carbs, Part 2

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

My week of carboliciousness has given me a lot to think about.  Carbs have a reputation of being the Jeckle and Hyde of the nutrition world: you either love them as a super-fuel, or you shy away from them in fear.  So how do I feel after my dualistic encounter? Lets find out. Following my stellar last week of upping … Read More