Nutrition Experiment Week 4: Protein

JohnGeneral1 Comment

Week four is here and it’s time to delve into the fun and exciting world of protein!  So what the heck is protein, and what does it really do?  Personally, protein brings to mind images of body builders at the gym slamming weights, drinking Muscle Milk, and yelling as they do curls.  But it’s not just about building muscle.  Proteins … Read More

Nutrition Experiment Week 3: Carbs, Part 2

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

My week of carboliciousness has given me a lot to think about.  Carbs have a reputation of being the Jeckle and Hyde of the nutrition world: you either love them as a super-fuel, or you shy away from them in fear.  So how do I feel after my dualistic encounter? Lets find out. Following my stellar last week of upping … Read More

Your Brain on Running

MeaganGeneral2 Comments

Lately, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what’s really going on inside my head when I go for a run. When you consider running in terms of the technology you utilize during a run–your MP3 player, heart rate monitor, GPS, etc.–your brain is likely the most advanced piece of equipment you take along with you. From controlling every … Read More

Nutrition Experiment Week1 – Part 2

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

Week 1 Control Average nutrient breakdown per day: Fat: 69g  Carbs: 198g  Protein: 95g I am at the end of week 1 and it has been both interesting, and tough, to track my normal eating habits.  I never fully realized all the crap I ate until I started tracking things.  Not that I indulge in a lot of fast food, but … Read More

Nutrition Experiment: Week 1 – Control

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

I want to start by talking a bit about my purpose and goals for this experiment.  The main purpose is to see how different nutrients effect my performance, energy levels, and overall mood during my runs.  Week 1 was a control week in which I ate what I would normally would.  In week 2, I will increase my intake of … Read More

Beating the Wall – An Experiment

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

Hitting the wall: A state of physical and/or mental exhaustion, accompanied by pain and nausea, synonymous with endurance sports. For a long time after I started running, I truly believed that you could only hit the wall on really long runs.  I mean really, really long runs, like at mile 19 of a marathon, when your body and mind are … Read More

Don’t Run Yourself Out Of Breath!

Steve AnkneyGeneral2 Comments

Although we, the TR Crew, are continuously talking about proper running form, we have yet to address another important piece of the sport: breathing.  Breathing is defined as “the process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs”, and although we seem to believe this process is something we should all have under control, a great percentage of … Read More