My First Half-Marathon: 5 Survival Tips

MeaganGeneral1 Comment

Three months of training have finally come to an end and Steve and I are now less than 24 hours from our first half-marathon. While I know I’ve done (most of) the training, I can’t say that I feel completely prepared to run 13.1 miles. We’ve been a bit schedule-challenged the past 2-3 weeks, so I’m nervous about having missed a … Read More

Preventing the Chocolate Mess

AshleyGeneralLeave a Comment

Disclaimer: I will be mentioning poop in this post, if you don’t want to read about poop, a normal daily function, or human anatomy go no further. The iconic photo from the 1982 Women’s Ironman in Kona shows the leader, 23-year-old Julie Moss, collapsed, delirious, and covered in her own poop after 140 miles of swimming, biking, and running.  She had … Read More