Nike+ GPS Goes Running

Steve AnkneyGeneral2 Comments

For those of you who have been following us for a while, you know Meagan and I both are long time Nike+ users and have been following the system since its beginning. Meagan has compared the Nike+ GPS app to the Nike+ iPhone sensor app, and covered the release of the Nike+ FuelBand, while I have covered Nike’s updates and … Read More

Nike Announcement: The Nike+ Relaunch

Steve AnkneyGeneralLeave a Comment

So, is it just me or does Nike have some sort of announcement quota they are trying to hit?  Whatever the case, they are definitely doing a good job sparking my interest.  Just to bring you up to date since September 2011 (when they sent out their apology letter, which I attached below) Nike has updated the Nike+ app for … Read More


Steve AnkneyGeneral2 Comments

Just wanted to write a quick post about the recent update to Nike+.  If you haven’t already seen our Nike+ review, please check it out. The update for the Nike+ application to version 3.3 went live on December 19th and, to our surprise and delight, it offers some exciting new features.  The updates are as follows: ★ Updates to improve compatibility … Read More