Beating the Wall – An Experiment

JohnGeneralLeave a Comment

Hitting the wall: A state of physical and/or mental exhaustion, accompanied by pain and nausea, synonymous with endurance sports. For a long time after I started running, I truly believed that you could only hit the wall on really long runs.  I mean really, really long runs, like at mile 19 of a marathon, when your body and mind are … Read More

The Science Behind the “Bad Run”

MeaganGeneral3 Comments

On September 13, 2009, Steve and I were spectators at the finish line of the Wisconsin Ironman Triathlon. After first-place finisher Raynard Tissink broke the tape, the MC immediately pulled him aside and asked, “How do you feel? How was your day?”, to which Tissink responded, “This was the worst day of my life.” The MC laughed a bit uncomfortably … Read More